The Not4Sale campaign is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected at all stages of your participation in this campaign.
What information we collect and why:
The campaign collects your name, email address, mobile phone and /or home phone and postcode. Please note these details will be used only for the express purpose of keeping you informed about the campaign and to ascertain your region of residence for campaign related data entry and analysis purposes so that we can more readily engage you in this campaign.
NB: By providing your personal contact details on our website you agree to these contact details being used by the Not4Sale Campaign for the following express purposes:
- To allow us to send you opportunities to participate in the campaign in your region.
- To keep you updated on progress of the campaign.
- Information you provide: You can ask to stop receiving emails or change your details at any time by responding to emails sent to you from the campaign.
We will not sell, trade or exchange your information without your permission.
The personal information will only be used for the Not4Sale campaign and to contact you with further updates on this campaign and events happening in your area or which you may be interested in.